Welcome to Yue Lab
About the PI: Dr. Yue is the founding director of the Center for Cancer Genomics at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, director of the Center for Advanced Molecular Analysis at Northwestern Institute for Augmented Intelligence in Medicine, the Duane and Susan Burnham Professor of Molecular Medicine, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, and Professor of Pathology. He serves in the editorial board of Genome Research and Science Advances.
The main research area for Dr. Yue's group is to use modern genomic technologies, machine learning, and CRISPR genome editing to identify biomarkers and investigate the impact of genetic variants in human cancers. He completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of South Carolina, and received his postdoctoral training from Dr. Bing Ren at UC San Diego. Dr. Yue has been an active member of several large NIH funded consortia, including the ENCODE, Roadmap/Epigenomics, and 4D Nucleome projects. During the period, he lead the integrative analysis effort for the mouse ENCODE consortium. Currently, he is serving as co-chair for the Integrative Analysis Workgroup in the 4D Nucleome Project. He also Co-chairs the Steering Committee of the NIH Impact of Genomic Variation on Function Consortium (IGVF).
Dr. Yue's group has a strong interested in cancer genomics and has demonstrated how epigenome and 3D genome structure are altered and led to gene dysregulation in different types of tumor, such as leukemia, bladder cancer, and brain tumor (Ding et al. Leukemia 2019, Iyyanki et al. Genome Biol. 2021, Wang et al. Science Adv. 2021, Xu et al. Nature 2022). Click here to see Dr. Yue's complete CV.
About the lab: Our lab is well-versed in both computational biology and functional genomics. It is located in the new 12-story Simpson Querrey Biomedical Research Center at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Half of the people in the lab come from genetics background and the other half were trained in bioinformatics/computational biology.
Training record: Our lab has graduated eight Ph.D. students and each of them has at least one first-author publication upon their graduation in journals such as Genome Research, Nature Communications, or Nature Genetics. Two of them continued their training in Md/PhD program; the rest of them either joined pharmaceutical companies or pursue postdocs.
Recent News:
1. | Our collaborative study with Dr. Joe Costello, "Glioblastoma evolution and heterogeneity from a 3D whole-tumor perspective", is published in Cell. |
2. | Juan Wang defended her Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Wang! |
3. | Our latest work on the subtype-specific enhancer/silencer annotation, and the altered 3D genome organization in AML was published in Nature . Here is the media coverage. |
4. | Fourth-year Ph.D. student Juan Wang won the Feinberg School of Medicine Driskill Award for Outstanding Student Achievment. |
5. | We will be co-leading the IGVF consoritum Data Coordination and Administrative Center with Dr. Ting Wang from WashU. The IGVF consotium consists of 30 US insitutes and NHGRI/NIH will provide approximately $185 million over the next five years. NIH News Release. |